So I just beat Mass Effect 1 again last night. I've been wanting to replay the series again after building a new computer last October, but I've seem to have ran into a problem. I have all 3 games on Origin and cannot seem to find the save files for ME1 anywhere on my computer. Here you will find my Mass Effect 1 save files. I will upload more over time. A summary of decisions taken is below, and is also included in a text document with each save file. I will also provide screenshots of the character as best I am able, though keep in mind I am not the best at taking screenshots:P.
Online co-op is a must for all three versions of Battlefront II. Personally, I don't like sharing a screen so I prefer online/LAN functionality for the co-op and multiplayer modes in my games. Personally, I don't like sharing a screen so I prefer online/LAN functionality for the co-op and multiplayer modes in my games. Battlefront II Co-Op Review.Han and Luke would be so disappointed. A Review about Star Wars Battlefront II and its co-op game features. Battlefront 2 online co op games xbox one. Online Co Op in Battlefront 2 (self.StarWarsBattlefront) submitted 1 year ago by optronix17 DMonayyy I feel like I have only seen talk of offline split screen co op, which is exclusive to consoles. Star Wars Battlefront 2 is the perfect shooter for split-screen online co-op play. We tell you everything you need to know about local multiplayer.